Branches & Specialist Interest Groups | ALGA
Building leaders in the sustainable management of contaminated land and groundwater

Branches & Specialist Interest Groups


ALGA is renowned for many things. It is especially respected in how it has a broad range of members such as; industry professionals, scientists, service providers, consultants, contractors, government and regulators as well as other key stakeholders.

ALGA members all connect and engage to improve the performance of the sector in policy and practice. Our volunteer members and committee leaders represent our lifeblood and we are proud of the work they do on behalf of the contaminated land and groundwater sector as a whole.

Right across Australia and New Zealand every week, our members progress the aims of ALGA - helping it support Australasia become world leaders in identifying, assessing and remediating the challenges of contamination in land and groundwater.

We are proud of the work of our ten Specialist Interest Groups currently in operation and our 14 Branches across Australia and New Zealand. Once a year our members have the opportunity to apply for these member-only positions.

So, if you work in the contaminated land and groundwater sector but are not yet a member join now so you too can look at this as an opportunity to get more engaged in the future.


Join a Committee

Specialist Interest Groups



Chair: Cheryl Halim

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Environmental Auditors

Chair: Jonathan Thom

Co-Chair: Barbara Schulz

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Emerging Contaminants of Concern

Chair: Matthew Askeland

Co-Chair: Emmylou Cooke

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Emerging Professionals

Chair: Georgie Shaw

Co-Chair: Alexandra Lay

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Groundwater Fate and Transport

Chair: Dr Chris Duesterberg

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Local Government

Chair: Phillippa Biswell

Co-Chair: Malcolm Adrien

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Risk Assessment 

Co-Chair: Carolyn Brumley

Co-Chair: Naomi Cooper

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Australasian Sustainable Remediation Forum (SuRF ANZ)

Chair: Stephen Maxwell

Co-Chair: David Tully

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Unexploded Ordnance (UXO)

Co-Chair: Sean O'Rourke

Co-Chair: William Rowlands

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Vapour and Gas

Co-Chair: Daniel Hodges

Co-Chair: Sam Willis

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Women in the Contaminated Land and Groundwater Industry

Co-Chair: Sally Bonham

Co-Chair: Kimberley Saflian

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Branch Committees




Chair: Katrina Zenger



Chair: Cliff Duckworth

Co-Chair: Renelle Watson



Chair: Kelly Lee

Co-Chair: Daniel McConnell



Chair: Darren Skuse

Co-Chair: Toby George



Chair: Clinton Smiljanic

Co-Chair: Kristina Braun



Chair: Howard Bridgeman

Co-Chair: Abanish Nepal



Chair: Julie Palich

Co-Chair: Shandel Coleman



Chair: Nick Cowman

Co-Chair: Emmylou Cooke



Chair: Malin Flukes



New Zealand


Co-Chair: Jade McConchie

Co-Chair: Judah Lebow


Bay of Plenty

Chair: Holly Scott



Chair: Rachel Rait



Chair: David Jackson



Chair: Andrew Pearce


ALGA Industry Directory

ALGA Partners

P.O. Box: 3199, Robertson, NSW 2577
+ 61 2 4885 1136


ACN 151 172 735
ABN 70 240 612 745
IRD 116 017 768

© Australasian Land & Groundwater Association 2024

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