Groundwater Fate & Transport Specialist Interest Group | ALGA
Building leaders in the sustainable management of contaminated land and groundwater

Groundwater Fate & Transport Specialist Interest Group 


Understanding contaminant fate and transport in groundwater is fundamental to assessing risk posed by contamination as well as informing the development of risk mitigation measures and remedial actions. Investing in this understanding is therefore not an expense but an investment to assist in resolving and closing out contamination issues.

There is a need for the scientific knowledge relating to contaminant behaviour and its application to the challenges of our industry to be discussed and communicated in a practical and relevant manner.

The main objectives of the group are to:

  • Identify, discuss and support the dissemination of practical knowledge of key topics in the field of groundwater fate and transport
  • Support the delivery of seminars and discussion panels on these key topics using relevant industry events around Australasia

2024 - 2025 Committee Members:

  • Melinda Morris
  • Anne Northway
  • Rachel Rait
  • Joe Duran
  • Camillo Coladonato
  • John Rayner
  • Natalie O'Rourke
  • Tim Robertson
  • Casey O'Farrell
  • Lange Jorstad
  • Frederic Cosme
  • David Jackson
  • Dr Chris Duesterberg - Chair
  • Dawit Bekele


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P.O. Box: 3199, Robertson, NSW 2577
+ 61 2 4885 1136


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IRD 116 017 768

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