Call for ALGA Branch & Specialist Interest Group Committee Nominations | ALGA
Building leaders in the sustainable management of contaminated land and groundwater


Australasian Land & Groundwater Association (ALGA) is seeking still accepting nominations for a few Branch and Specialist Interest Group (SIG) Committees to support and strengthen the contaminated land and groundwater industry across Australasia.

We invite you to submit your nomination as a Committee Member, contributing to our industry! Nominations are required to be lodged electronically. If you have any queries do not hesitate to contact us at

The questions you will need to answer are:

  • Why would you like to be on an ALGA committee?
  • What outcomes would you like to help deliver being part of an ALGA committee? Please specify for each group selected.
  • Are you a member of any other organisations/associations? If so which ones?
  • Are you volunteering for any other organisations/associations? If so which ones and what has been your contributions?
  • Please provide us with a bio or quick snapshot of who you are and your industry background. You may want to highlight any accomplishments that will help you in this volunteering position.
  • If you have nominated for a Specialist Interest Group, please highlight your skills and capabilities in relations to this area relating to that group.



The Committees, represented by a chair and/or co-chair, while not "Company Directors" are an integral and critical part of ALGA.

Branch Committees are responsible for developing the calendar of events in each Branch of the Association - which involves brainstorming forum topics, nominating speakers, and assisting ALGA achieve it's mission.

In collaboration with the ALGA office, on average Branch Committees help to organise one monthly event in each Branch location across Australia and New Zealand. Branch Committee meetings are generally held a minimum of two times  per year.

Branches – Australia Branches - New Zealand

Far North Qld
Regional NSW

Bay of Plenty

Specialist Interest Group Committees are expected to:

  • identify new and emerging areas specifically relating to their area of expertise
  • identify knowledge gaps and needs across the industry within their sector
  • coordinate responses on relevant guidance issued for industry comment
  • develop a workplan that addresses the above items to improve the management of contaminated land and groundwater .

Specialist Interest Groups

  • Asbestos
  • Environmental Auditors
  • Emerging Contaminants of Concern
  • Emerging Professionals
  • Groundwater Fate & Transport
  • Local Government
  • Risk Assessment
  • Australasian Sustainable Remediation Forum (SuRF ANZ)
  • Unexploded Ordnance
  • Vapour & Gas
  • Women in the Contaminated Land and Groundwater Industry


  • Be a current financial member of ALGA. Click here for information about membership.
  • Be able to commit the time necessary.
    • Branches: Arrange a minimum of one event a year, actively participate in all functions of the Branch Committee, including regularly attending committee meetings and branch events; In collaboration with the ALGA office, on average Branch Committees organise one monthly event in each Branch location across Australia and New Zealand. Branch Committee meetings are generally held a minimum of two times per year. 
    • Interest Groups: To meet with other committee members, via teleconference. Members nominating to join a committee must read and comply with the relevant Governance Charter throughout their term on the committee.


Branch Charter SIG Charter


Benefits of being on a Committee:

  • Experience – Experience how ALGA works and the effort that goes into making the association successful!
  • Relationships/Networking – Joining a committee helps you build stronger relationships with others within the industry.
  • Brand Building –  Build your brand by getting involved, it’s not about who you know anymore—it’s about who knows you!
  • Development – Committee participation leads to uncovering business insights you can utilize in your professional and personal development!
  • Leadership Opportunities – Through active participation on a committee, you will have the opportunity to boost your resume and someday become a board  member.
  • Service – Contribute to the growth and future success of the organization.
  • Pay it Forward – Give back to the industry by making a difference in committee involvement.
  • A chance for people to see you in action – show people how great you are! Community – ALGA is made up of a wonderful community of knowledgeable and   helpful members within the Contaminated Land and Groundwater industry.
  • Insider Sneak Peaks! You’ll know what’s happening before everyone else.

If you are interested in being on a committee please contact

P.O. Box: 3199, Robertson, NSW 2577
+ 61 2 4885 1136


ACN 151 172 735
ABN 70 240 612 745
IRD 116 017 768

© Australasian Land & Groundwater Association 2024