Benefits of Bioremediation: Busting Myths and Identifying Opportunities
Building leaders in the sustainable management of contaminated land and groundwater


Mudgee Highlights


The symposium discussed bioremediation myths and their benefits. During two days of presentations and workshops, we addressed common misconceptions and identified opportunities to apply bioremediation techniques to contaminated sites. Participants walked away from this experience with an increased understanding of bioremediation science and became aware of common myths and misconceptions that hinder its adoption. Presentations from landowners, regulators, and practitioners addressed these perceived impediments and demonstrated the value and benefits of implementing bioremediation across various applications.




Thank you to our Mudgee 2022 committee



Thank you to our sponsors for the event
Primary Sponsor

P.O. Box: 3199, Robertson, NSW 2577
+ 61 2 4885 1136


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© Australasian Land & Groundwater Association 2024