Use of Logo | ALGA
Building leaders in the sustainable management of contaminated land and groundwater

Use of Logo


Permission to use the ALGA logo or title is provided as a service to partners who share ALGA objectives.

To ensure that ALGA is not seen to be endorsing any particular product or company in preference to others, permission to use the ALGA logo or make reference to the ALGA in promotional material (printed and electronic ) is provided under the following conditions and guidelines:

  • Any use of the Australasian Land & Groundwater Association title or ALGA logo will be discreet and less prominent than the company or product name, logo or banner.
  • The use of the ALGA logo or any reference to ALGA must clearly imply that the company or organisation is representing itself simply as a partner of ALGA. The words "partner" must be used (as applicable) in conjunction with the use of the ALGA logo or title.
  • Preferably all references to ALGA (logo or name) will be at the bottom or lower margin of the page or promotion, or at least presented in such a manner as to not appear as the promoting organisation or sponsor of the product.
  • If a logo is to be used, this must be obtained from ALGA and used without modification of the colours or font styles. In providing this approval to use the ALGA logo or acknowledgement of ALGA partnership, the Australasian Land & Groundwater Association (ALGA) Ltd, in so doing, assumes no responsibility or liabality for the opinions or statements of facts expressed by the company using the ALGA logo or name in its advertising, promotion, letterheads or other printed or electronic communications and material.

P.O. Box: 3199, Robertson, NSW 2577
+ 61 2 4885 1136


ACN 151 172 735
ABN 70 240 612 745
IRD 116 017 768

© Australasian Land & Groundwater Association 2024