Bioremediation Symposium 2023 | ALGA
Building leaders in the sustainable management of contaminated land and groundwater

Bioremediation Symposium

University of New South Wales - John Niland Scientia Building – Galleries - Sydney

7 June 2023

In this one day symposium, following the successful inaugural bioremediation symposium in 2022, local and international experts will gather to share knowledge and develop strategies for remediation practitioners and clients in Australia and New Zealand to benefit from integrating biological processes into their site clean-up ambitions. Encompassing a broad spectrum of contaminants and contaminated matrices, the event will consist of keynote presentations, short case study presentations and interactive workshops.


  • 8.30am
    Registration open
  • 9.00am – 9.15am
  • 9.15am - 10.00am
    Keynote – Bioaugmentation 20 years late
    Professor Elizabeth Edwards, University of Toronto
  • 10.00am - 10.30am
    Morning Tea
  • 10.30am - 11.10am
    Keynote – Horses for courses: examples where bioremediation is or isn’t the solution
    Chris Duesterberg, Senior Principal, Nation Partners
  • 11.10 - 12.15pm
    Options Assessment Workshop
    Professor Michael J Manefield, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New South Wales
    In this workshop Professor Mike Manefield with lead an interactive session considering remediation options for sites that may in part or in full be amenable to bioremediation. Symposium attendees will assemble in groups to consider site briefs, brainstorm options assessment for the sites and present technology recommendations.
  • 12.15pm - 1.15pm
    Lunch Break
  • 1.15pm - 2.45pm
    Case Studies
    Resilient Bioremediation – Managing the effects of a Cyclone in Auckland during the Bioremediation of a waterfront site John Stevanoni, Principal Environmental Engineer, Liberty Industrial
    Transforming old mine site to Eco-Precinct – Ark Du, Veolia
    Making Bioremediation Easier and Assured – Simon Grimes, GM Environmental Solutions, Enretech and Onder Kimyon, Principal Scientist, Novorem
  • 2.45pm - 3.15pm
    Afternoon Tea
  • 3.15pm to 4.15pm
    Bioprocess trouble shooting workshop
    Scott Carroll, Remediation Manager, Liberty Industrial
    Working the problem – An interactive look at defining options, solutions and trouble shooting throughout the implementation of a bioremediation approach.
  • 4.15pm – 4.50pm
    Keynote – PFAS Phytoscreening for Rapid, ad-hoc Detection of PFAS Groundwater Impacts – Initial Results from the Rastatt / Baden-Baden Site, Germany
    Peter Martus, Head of Environmental Department, AECOM Deutschland GmbH
  • 4.50pm to 5pm
    Closing comments

Why you should join this event

The Bioremediation Symposium will help you to understand the benefits of bioremediation technologies and learn how to process bioremediation options in remediation options assessment. You will also develop treatment train concepts integrating biological technologies in remediation action plans.

At the Symposium, you will learn:

  • Handling bioremediation in options assessment
  • Strategies for integrating bioprocesses in treatment trains
  • Technical knowledge and products relating to bioremediation application
  • Approaches to troubleshooting

Thank you to our Committee

Professor Michael J Manefield, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New South Wales
Scott Carroll, Remediation Manager, Liberty Industrial

Bioremediation Symposium rate

Member $440
Non Member $880
Student Member $220

All pricing includes GST and are listed in Australian dollars. Credit Card and EFT options for payment are both accepted.

Thank you to our Gold Sponsor

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Thank you to our Venue Partner

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P.O. Box: 3199, Robertson, NSW 2577
+ 61 2 4885 1136


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