Asbestos Interest Group | ALGA
Building leaders in the sustainable management of contaminated land and groundwater

Asbestos Specialist Interest Group


The ALGA Asbestos Interest Group was established to meet the challenges of Australasia’s rapidly changing regulatory landscape on the management of asbestos. It's aim is to provide a stand-alone forum for a range of professions to work collectively on consistent guidelines for regulation. It is also hoping to provide opportunities for practitioners to network, as well as a mechanism for collective industry advocacy focused asbestos related regulation.

The group's aims and objectives are to provide an informed industry group representing a range of stakeholders (consultants, laboratories, lawyers, contractors, regulators, property owners, developers and the community), with the group’s activities aiming to:

  • Promote a better understanding of current guidelines and regulations and the science and policy behind these
  • Promote consistent application of current guidelines and regulations
  • Identify problematic areas of the above and encourage these to be actively addressed in consultation with relevant decision-makers
  • Lead to a practical and defensible approach to viably assessing and managing problem sites which has community and regulatory acceptance.

In late 2017 to further pursue the ALGA mission of Australasia to lead the world in the sustainable management of contaminated land and groundwater, the previously known NZ Asbestos Advisory Group and Interest Group Neutralising the Legacy of Asbestos-in-Soil was merged into just one Australasian Interest Group addressing a range of Asbestos issues faced in both Australia and New Zealand.

Below is the list of the 2024 - 2025 Committee:

  • Andrew Mitchell
  • Cheryl Halim - Chair
  • Chris Kennedy
  • Daniel McConnell
  • Ian Gregson
  • Jessica Griffin
  • Kris Thomas
  • Matthew Deaves
  • Ross McFarland
  • Samuel Jackson
  • Scott Carroll
  • Tom Mackie
  • Tony Scott
  • Trevor Lloyd


ALGA Industry Directory

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P.O. Box: 3199, Robertson, NSW 2577
+ 61 2 4885 1136


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IRD 116 017 768

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