Risk Assessment Specialist Interest Group | ALGA
Building leaders in the sustainable management of contaminated land and groundwater

Risk Assessment Specialist Interest Group


ALGA has established this interest group on risk assessment to provide structure and support for members that are interested in improving their knowledge across the elements of risk assessment. Environmental and human health risk assessment is a multi-disciplinary field encompassing the disciplines of public health, ecotoxicology, human toxicology, epidemiology, exposure science including fate and transport modelling and statistical inference. Early development work in Australia in the late 1980s focused on a risk-based approach to the assessment and mitigation of contaminants in the environment and such an approach has progressively been reinforced and developed both internationally and within Australia. While regulatory guidance has progressed, there are still many opportunities for development and RASIG would like to seek input from members who are using novel techniques within the industry (subject to client agreement). The group intends to provide a communication strategy across the member group and across industry, academia and government sectors.

The objectives of the group include:

  • Information provision and training for ALGA members
  • Seminars with invited international and national speakers
  • Regulatory updates and new international development updates
  • A conduit to provide the regulatory community, feedback on areas for improvement based on industry experiences
  • Industry collaboration on risk assessment across government and academia.

2024 - 2025 Committee Members:

  • Marcus Herrmann
  • Scott Carroll
  • Ana Serra
  • Gemma Williams
  • Stephen Cambridge
  • Anand Chandra
  • Naomi Cooper - Co-Chair
  • Victoria Lazenby
  • Carolyn Brumley - Chair
  • Ken Kiefer
  • Kirsten Broadgate
  • Matt Taylor
  • John Russell


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P.O. Box: 3199, Robertson, NSW 2577
+ 61 2 4885 1136


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