Appendix 3 | ALGA
Building leaders in the sustainable management of contaminated land and groundwater

Appendix 3

When will ALGA get involved?


ALGA will encourage collaborative research and other activities such as training that will provide improved methods of managing and remediating contaminated land and groundwater, and that will support achieving ALGA’s vision that Australia and New Zealand lead in this area. ALGA will:

  • Undertake training in its own right, or in cooperation with other organisations
  • Support the building of consortia involving our members, where the individual members will direct and fund scientific research developments that will create improved solutions to contaminated land and groundwater problems
  • Nurture and support regional capacity and development
  • Assist members to collaborate to address common business challenges.

ALGA will not generally carry out training or research in its own right or compete with members in the provision of services, but may partner with members and research and technology providers where this can be expected to provide better outcomes. ALGA may apply for or support the application for government grants where appropriate, and may use such monies in supporting ALGA’s involvement, such as providing project managers and other support staff, particularly where this involvement is seen to be important in realizing the success of the venture, and ultimately to achieving ALGAs vision and mission.

ALGA will seek to remain independent of commercial interests, and will not align itself with or promote specific commercial interests, products or processes.

P.O. Box: 3199, Robertson, NSW 2577
+ 61 2 4885 1136


ACN 151 172 735
ABN 70 240 612 745
IRD 116 017 768

© Australasian Land & Groundwater Association 2024